Wednesday, May 12, 2021


How many times......... 

    That's what I ask every time I leave the house only to return.

    Today I was running late for a meeting. (To those who know me, that is certainly no surprise.)   I was about 5 minutes behind when I needed to be.

    Got in the car, pulled  out of the driveway and realized I did not have a mask.

    Backed up the driveway, ran in grabbed a mask.  I was now about 8 minutes behind.

    Road work on Flagg Road....but I went at the right time.  No delay!

    Drove 2 miles down the road and realized I did not have my phone.  If Jackie needed help, she could not get me.  Turned around and headed back.  Got caught by construction.  Finally got home.  Now I was 15 minutes behind.

    Got back into the car with my phone,  my mask, my patience frayed, and got caught in construction again.  

    I reached my meeting 25 minutes late.  The bad part was I had to leave early!

    I managed to be there 40 minutes.  I apologized for being late.  I apologized for leaving early. 

    I would have almost been on time if I was not so damn forgetful!  Granted, it did not help to be behind someone pulling a trailer and doing 40 or getting caught by all 4 of the traffic lights on the route.  When I am not in a hurry they are always green.

    I did have a relaxing dinner with Emily and John and Jackie, plus a couple of glasses of vino, which has relaxed me further.

    Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment in DeKalb.  When I leave the house I will do a double check for keys, mask, phone, wallet, Maybe that will help me not make two trips back to the house.

    It could be worse.  At least I remembered where I parked the car tonight.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

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