Tuesday, May 25, 2021

day....oh, my.....444

 We had a fun filled day today

    Jackie had a doctor's appointment in the suburbs, so we met up with sister Judy for a late lunch/early supper at one of our favorite fast food places.

    All was going well....... until we left.

    I have been having trouble getting Jackie back into the car for the past few weeks.

    Today was a disaster

    She missed the seat and was sitting on the floor of the car.  I tried to pick her legs up and push her, which only accomplished her being thrown back and hitting her head on the center console.

    We tried again, getting all the way up and attempting to sit, only to land on the floor again.

    This time I went around to the driver's side and got in.  I was going to pull her while Judy pushed.  As we were doing this I look down and see glops of mustard on her white shirt, and I begin to laugh uncontrollably, which ended up in everyone else laughing and Jackie on the floor of the car again.

    Judy suggested moving the seat up to give her a better target.  We stood her up, mvoed the seat  and on attempt 756  got her into the front seat.  I had thought about asking the young men walking through the parking lot for help, but we managed.

    We thanked Judy, parted ways, and I went to the Starbucks down the road.  Getting my kick for the day, we headed back to the tollway only to see the southbound lanes at a virtual standstill.

    So I said, let's go back roads.

    When we were first married, we always took back roads from DeKalb to Rolling Meadows.  But that was then, and now it's not the same.  

    Landmarks are gone, replaced by condos and office buildings.  One time we were driving home.... the kids were really young.  We always turned next to a drive-in theater and I always slowed to see what was on the screen that night. "Lust in the Dust" was playing and a woman was kneeling on the ground and a bunch of cowboys were showing her their, let's say six guns, and Julia pipes up, "What are they doing?"   We told her to close her eyes and not look.  From then on, I always slowed down pasing the drive-in while telling the kids not to look.

      It seemed forever before we worked our way down to 88, the tollway that would carry us swiftly home.

    Somewhere around Orchard Road I got a leg cramp.

    I pulled over right after that exit and got out of the car to stretch oyt the leg.  Cars and trucks were whizzing past at 900 miles an hour!  I kept a close watch on the road because I was afraid someone would be in the off ramp and keep going on the shoulder, ramming us into the next county.

    After my leg cramp eased, ( And yes, I wondered what people thought upon seeing the old man rubbing his groin area and goosestepping along the shoulder.) I got back in the car and waited for a break.  Then I hit the gas and got that German car up to 70 almost immediately.  My Honda would have taken a week.

    It took us less than 90 minutes to get to the doctors, and about 140 to get home. I would have been better off on the tollway because traffic would have eventually moved.

    It rained most of the way home, not a heavy rain, just a very light sprinkle.  So I got home, settled Jackie in front of the Cub game, and mowed.  I almost finished....but the sprinkles started here and I got cold, so I quite with a very small patch not done.

    So...that's how my day went.

    All in all, it was not bad.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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