Sunday, May 2, 2021

day.....was it me?....421

I am sometimes a rotten person 

    We have a large common area behind our houses.  For the past three years, neighborhood kids have taken to riding their 4 wheelers, dirt bikes, and ATVs through the retention pond part of the common area.

    I admit, I hate when they do that.  It's noisy, raises dust,  and just irritates the hell out of me.

    I always say, "I hope they have an accidnet and break something."

    Well, I was out mowing tonight and some kids were running their ATV up and down the retenton bowl.  It was annoying.

    I was off my mower, and I saw a kid running like hell across the retention pond.  Then another kid.

    I figured good, they  ran out of gas or got a flat tire.

    A lady had just walked by my house and she turned onto Skare Road.  Suddenly she started running.  A car pulled over.  I figured something was up, so I went in to get my keys to drive over there.

    By the  time I got there, parents of the kids were there.  The ATV flipped, spilling kids out.  Two of the kids were bleeding, one from the head and the other from some place.  There were already 7 adults there, 911 was called, so there was nothing for me to do.

    So I stood in the middle of the road and sort of directed traffic....telling people to stop or go.  No big thing, but it really was the only thing I was capable of doing.

    The ambulance came and took the two boys to the hospital.

    Now I feel bad for thinking evil thoughts.  In all honesty, everyone is lucky no one was seriously injured, at least the boys did not look seriously hurt.

    Next time I will just wish for a mechanical breakdown.

    I finally finished washing the patio furniture.  Now I have to sand it and seal it.  I hope I do it right this time.

    I was sitting on one chair and bent over another chair in the driveway.  Suddenly a voice yelled out, "Hey!"  I looked up and there was a woman standing at the bottom of the driveway.  I said hello and she said something like, "Just checking."  

    She must have thought I was ill or injured.  I don't know who she was, but it was nice of her to check.

    Back to the boys...I don't know them or their families.  But maybe tomorrow I can find out where they live and just check in on them.

    I won't tell the parents I put a hex on them though.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Think good thoughts.

Peace and Love

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