Monday, May 3, 2021


 Sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything

    Nada.  Zilch.  Sit in a chair and veg.  

    That's how I was today.

    I had to force myself to work in the yard and prepare the raised beds for planting.  but I had no desire to do anything.

    I have more days like that lately.  Then I get upset because I don't have the little things done that I need to have done.

    When I made supper tonight I realized I had not emptied the dishwasher, so I had dinner dishes stacked  in one place and I cleaned off the counter to put the clean dishes, then I loaded the dishwasher again.  Just like Groundhog Day.

    The meat I cooked splattered, so I ended up wiping up the floor when all the rest was done.

    I finished the bottle of wine I opened Saturday and now I am so thirsty I am drinking iced water.  

    No food is satisfying me, I keep grazing and nibbling.

    Maybe a good night's sleep will help.  Every night when I go to bed my feet itch!  I spray them, and rub lotions of different kinds, but they itch.  Last night I took an allergy pill and the itching stopped.  So, are itching feet the sign of some sort of allergy?  Did the pill help or was it coincidence?  Or am I just weird?  Maybe it's a little of both. 

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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