Saturday, May 29, 2021

 Today was just another day

    I gave my table legs two coats of teak oil, now I just have to attach them and move the table and chairs to the patio.

    I also started sanding down the vertical herb garden we have, it was looking pretty tacky so I am trying to neaten that up a little.

    I did lose my car keys.  I know I put the Honda keys on the counter.  When I went to get them, they were gone.

    I used the key finder on my phone.  I thought I may have left them in the garage, because sometimes I remember things that did not happen.  Out in the garage the finder said there was a strong presence........   I didn't know if I was at a seance or looking for my key!.

    The app said to walk around, so I did.  It kept saying stronger, stronger.  Remember when we used to say, "You;re getting warmer," or "You're getting cooler" when people were looking for things?  Same concept.

    I went back in the house and could hear the keys beeping.

    I followed the beep, but could not find them!  It was weird!  Almost like the keys were invisible.

    Eventually I did track the sound to the face masks hanging up on the cabinet door knob.  The keys had become entabled in a face mask and were hanging on the door.  That's what I get for hanging up the face masks.

    I watched the Cubs until about the sixth inning.  I woke up in the bottom of the seventh.  Short naps are good naps.

    Emily brought us supper and so goes another exciting day.  Wonder what tomoorow will bring.

    Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

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