Monday, May 10, 2021 me lucky....429

 I found a rabbit's foot the other day

    More specifically, I found a rabbit's leg with the foot attached.  There was also what looked like a picked over bunny skeleton attached to the leg.

    This was way in the back of my yard, so I know Corki was not responsible.  Could have been the hawk that hangs around the yard, or a coyote, or a cat, or fox, or an eagle....several possibilities.

    So...I found this foot-leg combination and did now want to leave it laying in the yard.  I got a small plastic grocery bag and put it in that, tied it shut, (well, after poking the leg down a couple of times....rigor mortis seemed to be an issue) and put it in my trash.

    An hour later I went back into the garage and said to myself, "Holy Hell!! What is that smell?"  

    I got another garbage bag and double bagged it.  That seemed to help.  When Emily and John brought over the Mother's Day hanging flower baskets, we put those in the garage for fear of frost.  The smell of the flowers helped a lot.  John did say the garage had a funky smell.

    I am just glad the temperatures are not in the 90s......I don't think I could stand the smell.

    I guess I could have buried it in the yard, or even in the prairie garden.  I was afraid an animal might smell it and dig it up again.

    Maybe tomorrow I will have to set the garbage can outside, especially if the temps rise.

    Chair update!!

    I finished the fourth chair today, put all my stuff away, put the chair away and discovered I missed the back side of the chair I did yesterday!  By then my hands were sore, I was cold, stuff was away .... so I said screw it, I'll do it tomorrow.

    I swear, this is taking me forever.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

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