Sunday, May 16, 2021

day.... dog tired......435

I am one tired puppy tonight 

    I think I packed too many activities into daylight hours.

    Went to church, had a church board meeting, Skyped with Julia, Skyped with my nephew in Switzerland, mowed the yard, trimmed, lent SK some bricks, went for a walk with Corki, made supper, including a salad, burned the garlic toast, did the dishes, took out the recyling, finished sanding the chairs and now I am relaxing with a large glass of wine.  Believe me, it is not large enough.

    It's funny, in a way.  Some days I don't get anything done, then others I stay busy all day.  I haven't even finished the Sunday Trib!

    But such is life.  I can do things, so I should not complain.

    I just need to spread it out more.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. 

Peace and Love

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