Wednesday, May 5, 2021


I had an unusual experience today 

    It was a great experience, in a way.  But it was unusual.

    I had to have a blood test.  I hate blood tests.  I hate getting stuck with a needle.  I know, I am not the only one, but that does not make it any better.

    My test was at the former DeKalb Clinic, which is now part of Northwestern Medicine.

    I went in, told the person taking the blood that I am a big baby.  I took off my glasses and prepared to worry.

    She said she could tell by my body language that I was a little up tight, and she kept talking to me about stuff I don't even remember.  Then she said, "Ok...hold this while I get a bandage."

    I asked he if she was done and she said yes!  I never felt the needle go into my arm!  It was truly amazing.

    She said next time I come to ask for her and she will draw again.  But I hope there is no next time.

    I did manage to ride around the block a 7 mile bike ride in and my legs are a bit sore right now.  Hopefully it will not rain tomorrow and I can get another ride under my wide belt.

    All in all it was a pretty good day for us.  Two medical appointments done, a little shopping, a bike ride. ...... not a bad day.  Plus I used a digital coupon at the grocery store!  I downloaded it to my phone and redeemed it! That was also a high point of the day.

    Come to think of it, that is pretty sad, isn't it?

    Oh well....

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  

Peace and Love

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