Thursday, May 20, 2021


 I had a nice bike ride today

    Sure, it was a bit windy, so I rode through town.  I like to look at the various houses and how they are maintained.  Today I saw houses cute as a naked baby on a bear skin rug and houses that needed some TLC.

    Then I went home and looked around our house.  Actually, I think it comes off pretty darn good.  Sure, I should have trimmed after I mowed, but the fact I mowed should not be glossed over.

    I bought some plants but they don't look too good.  I should have planted them last week, but I procrastinated.  My peas don't look good either.  (The plants, not the liquid elimination) I don't think we will be freezing many peas this year.  I covered them for the first frost, but not the second.  The ones that were up looked terrible, so I pulled them and replanted.  When I was a DelMonte pea picker, the crops seemed to be ready in early June and done by July 4.  I won't even have plants by early June.

    The den is no where near cleaned and June is approaching.  I really have to get my butt in gear and finish this weekend.

    Lots of projects.....some long, some short.  I just need to get to then.  Like Nike says.....Just do It!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Smell the lilacs.

Peace and Love

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