Thursday, April 1, 2021

 I have a tecnical problem

    I put my hearing aids in today, but the left one does not seem to be working.

    I can hear the bells telling me it is going on, but no music comes through....and no voices either.

    The doctor's office was closed when I called in the afternoon, so I have to wait until Monday to have it checked out.

    That will explain why the tv volume is way up.  It may also explain why I miss things people say, but that could also be because I choose to ignore them.

    Jackie got some flowers and a ballon for her birthday, and we got some yummy delights from Cypress House, courtesy of Lanet.  That was a nice thing to do for the old folks.

    Speaking of old, Cubs got the season underway in a less than spectacular fashion.  It was 37 degrees at the park.  Damn cold for playing baseball.  But both teams played in the same weather, so that can't be an excuse.

    Honestly, I will miss going to the park this year.  It just does not seem a good idea to ride the train, then take a subway, and be in a crowd of people who may or may not be healthy.  And on days like this I don't mind watching from home.

    Aside from the little dramas in life( Did I miss the recyclers again?  No!)  (What size ham should I buy for 4 people?  Is 10 pounds enough?) (How can I spend 4 hours cleaning the den and having it look the same as when I started?) (Who was the person I hung up on and did I call them?)

    Someday, all the mysteries will be answered.  Just not today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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