Friday, April 9, 2021

day....bear alert!!.......398

 Sometimes things get lost in translation

    I took Corki in for a cut and trim today.  Now she looks and smells clean and is prettier than ever!

    See what I mean?

    Normally it takes about an hour, but today the groomer was running behind so I got to go get trimmed and run to the grocery store.

    But I had to stop because I saw a bear!  Really!!!  It was foraging at a garbage dump.  I am putting a picture at the end.

    After I dropped off the groceries, I went to get Corki.

    I have to cross UP railroad tracks out in the country.  (Yes, city folk...there is countrier country past my house!)  I hit the tracks at about 4 and there was a train blocking the crossing.  It was not moving. I waited, but it did not move.  It was a long train too.

    So I opted to go west to the next crossing.

    It, too, was blocked, probably the same train.

    So I said I will go west to the next crossing.  After about 5 minutes I realized I was nowhere near the railroad tracks and fast approaching Ashton.   I pulled over into the driveway of an abandoned house, and the red pickup truck that was behind me pulled up next to me.

    I rolled down my window.

    "I said to myself, this fella has no idea where he is going.  Do you?"  the driver asked. I admitted I didn't and told him where I was headed, but the crossings were blocked.  I asked if the dirt road I just passed went south across the tracks and he said yes, then gave me directions on how to get back to the road I wanted.

    We both laughed about it.

    I picked up Corki  and headed for home.  It was now about 4:30.  The train was still there!  Only now it was moving painfully slow, but I waited and it cleared the crossing.  As the gates went up and I pulled across, a saw another train coming and sure enough, I just got across and the gates came down.  

    Then I ordered supper.

    We have a menu for a local Mexican restaurant and we picked out what we wanted.  I wanted the tostado dinner, which came with 2 tostados, rice and beans.  Jackie wanted the taco fajita salad.  

    I called the restaurant and gave the order and the woman sounded confused.  So I asked. is this Restuarant A?  She said it was Restuarant B.  I called the wrong place!

    I called Restaurant A and told that lady I wanted the 2 tostado dinner and the taco fajita salad.

    I went to pick it up and my order was huge because while I wanted the 2 tostado dinner, she heard (and repeated back to me, now that I think about it) 2 tostado dinners.

    I stopped at Emily and John's and gave Camryn one of the dinners.  

    Supper was good.  The day was dreary but fine.  I am freezing because we turned the heat off when it hit 80 and I am too lazy to turn it on again.

    Such is life, eh?

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Call the right restaurant.

    Peace and Love

    Oh, the bear!!!!

    A rare sighting of a bear foraging at a local dump! I think he was looking for a place to sleep. 

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