Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 We had a thief in the house today

    We were shocked.  

    I picked up our little friend Sam from school today and brought her to our house until her mom could pick her up.

    Sam was not the thief.  Jen was not the thief.

    We had a person in who cleans.  They come every two weeks.  It is my treat to myself and relieves me of a chore that takes an ADD person like me 2 days to do.

    When she was getting ready to leave, she stopped in the den to say good bye.  We were chatting away and Corki got up and left the room.  Corki had been at the back door just five minutes before, so I figured she had to go out.

    I went to let her out and The Little Thief was sitting on the rug under  the nook table with a package of cookies she took out of our cleaner's purse!

    She didn't manage to get them open, but she was licking the package and nosing it back and forth.

    It got me thinking.....did I really finish the beef stick I left on the table in the basement today?  I thought I had a bite left, but when I came back there was nothing on the table.  Did I eat it, or not?

    The whole incident upset me so much I had to have a glass of wine.  Ok, two glasses.  But they are small glasses, so I may have to have a third.  You know, just to assuage the angst of having a thief in the house.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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