Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 You may notice sometimes I exaggerate

        Like tonight.  I dripped a lot of hamburger juice on my shirt.  It forms a pattern that generally resembles the Hawaiian Islands.  Actually, that is not an exaggeration.  I bit into a burger and the juices just ran down my chin and onto my shirt.  I was/am a mess.

    Here's a riddle I heard today.  Answer at the bottom.  What's the difference between a rhino and a zippo?

    But yesterday I did not glue my finger to my broken tooth.  Nor did I drive off an embankment and into a corn field. However, I did go to the dentist and I am getting a crown.  But just saying that is kind of boring.

    I did throw out a pencil tonight.  Yes, that IS a big deal!  It had never been sharpened but the eraser was as hard as  a rock.  With all the mistakes I make, I need a flexible eraser.

    I also returned something at Ace the other day.  

    Well, one return and one rejection.  Let's deal with the rejection.

    My old frind Mike works at Ace.  He used to work at Moore's and at other places around town.  He is funny, caring and he knows his stuff.  He was in Jackie's class at Steward School in the 1820s.  (Exaggeration noted.)

    I found some nails in a Moore's paper bag while ussing around my workbench.  Moore's has been closed a number of years.  I put the bag with one nail  in the car and have gone into Ace three times with them, but I keep missing Mike.  Saturday he was there and I went up to him and said, "I want to return this."  I gave him the bag.  He looked in it and said, "Dickow, you can't return one nail.  And it is not even a good nail.  Now if this was Moore's you could probably do that."

    I told him to look at the bag.  He glanced at it, did a double take and burst out laughing.  

    I offered to let him keep the bag but he declined.  I think he was still laughing as I left.

    And that, friends, is no exaggeration.

    Riddle answer:  A rhino is really heavy, but a Zippo is a little lighter.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Laugh.

Peace and Love

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