Monday, April 5, 2021


 My daffodils have finally bloomed

    Well, some of them, at least.  

    I think my love of them is something I got from my mom.  They were her favorite spring time plants, and they are mine too.

    I would normally also like tulips.  But unfortunately, so do deer.  At our last house the plants never produced because they kept getting eaten, along with the hostas.

    Each fall I plant daffodils.  Not many, just five to 10.  I don't always remember where I planted the bulbs, so it is a surprise in the spring when they pop up.

    Speaking of planting bulbs.......  Last year we planted 100 plugs in my native garden area.  Sheri and Camryn helped.  We used bulb planters to dig the holes, which made it a lot easier.

    Last fall I could not find the bulb planters!  Now, I do put stuff away.  But I put stuff away in places where I think I will find it in a month or six, and that never happens.  I looked last fall for the planters in all the usual places and nope, not there.

    I am in the process of ordering 100 more plugs for my prairie garden part two, and it would be nice to have the planters.  I know they are here somewhere.  I'll look in my old shoes.

    I will be doing the planting in early May, so there is plenty of time for me to find them and for people to volunteer to help.....hint, hint, hint.  

    Until then, I'll keep looking for those damn planters.....and they are not peanuts!  I have no idea what theat means.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

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