Thursday, April 15, 2021

day...odds and ends.......404

 These will be a very odd couple of days

    You know I have a problem with numbers and names.

    Corki and I got up at 6:15 so we could get to the vet's in plenty of time for her 7;30 check in.  In fact, we got there at 7:20.

    Problem is, we were supposed to be there at 7:45.  So we sat in the parking lot for 35 minutes and I scared an employee.  She had pulled into the clinic's lot and parked on the side.  I started my car and drove over to where she was parked.  

    She waited in the car with the door and windows shut.  I rolled down my window and she rolled hers down and I told her I was here for a 7:30 appointment.  She said they don't make them for any earlier than 7:45.  

    She stayed in the car until I left and parked again in front. 

    I dropped Corki off and she did fine. One tooth was bad, so it was pulled and 4 skin tags were removed.  She is doing great.

    Meanwhile, during the day I dropped off some clothing at a local thrift shop.  A young girl took the donation and I said, "I know you."  She was clueless.  I asked her a couple of questions and then asked if  _______ was her mother, and she said yes.  I told her I knew her mother.

    I got to thinking that maybe this youngin' might have been concerned that an old man that she did not know knew so much about her.  So I contacted her mother and explained what I had done.  I did not want the youngster to be worried she was being stalked.  Mom said all was good, daughter said I seemed like a nice man.  

    Both incidents reminded me to always be aware of what I say and do around women and girls who do not know me.  For instance, I was in a grocery store and I wanted an item in a cooler.  A young lady was stocking the cooler just feet away from where I was.  So I said, "Don't back up I am right behind you looking for humus."  She said she appreciated the warning.

    That being said, tomorrow I am getting more prairie garden space tilled and I now have a plan for next year for the area.  Also, at 8 a.m. a pest control man is coming because we have ants in the bathroom and kitchen, especially in Corki's food bowl.

    Then I have a grants meeting for a group I am in, and that will be the last meeting for that group this year.  

    It just seems it has been a busy week, yet I have done nothing.  I did not even get a  nap in today!

    Such is life.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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