Saturday, April 3, 2021


I almost cut off my finger today 

    It happened right before the fire started.  But that's another story.

    We had pizza last night.  I was lazy and did not clean up the kitchen like I normally do.  So today I got up, filled up the sink, emptied the dishwasher and made the kitchen  look almost nice for 5 minutes.

    The last thing I put in the dishwater was the pizza cutter.  I reached into the water and put my finger between the blade and the handle.

    Ok, I really didn't almost cut off a finger, but the sucker bled for about half an hour. And it hurt.  Damn cutter is sharp.  I can't imagine how long it would bleed if I was still on blood thinners.

    The fire department burned off the prairie across the road as part of a fire training session.  I went and took some pictures and watched the flames dancing among the grass.  It was kind of neat.

  I always wonder the same thing when I see prairies being burned:  What did the pioneers do when that happened?

    It could be horrifying to look out and see the grass just aflame and you stuck in a sod house and nowhere to run.  Surprisingly, the fire is noisy.  The crackling and whoosh is louder than you would think.  It would be terrifying on the prairie.

    Prairies and fire go together.  The fire helps knock out unwanted plants and also allows some seeds to sprout.  I think it is leadplant that needs fire for its seeds to open and create new plants.  Oak trees, especially burr oaks, were fairly fire resistant so the flames could burn around them and not harm them.  At least that is what I remember from my other life on the frontier.

    Have a Hoppy Easter!  Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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