Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 I tried to clean our den today

    If you know anything about me, you know cleaning and tossing are not my strengths.  But neither is my memory.

    Emily and John came over with a new dog today.  Corki did not bark, growl or anything.  She even sat next to Becky for a few minutes.

    The funny thing is.......Corki has some chews.  She never actually chews them.  So Becky picked up the chew and was gnawing away.  But Becky went for water, Corki went over, picked up the chew and sat under the table, just holding it in her mouth.

    We got Becky another chew, and Corki actually chewed the one she has never shown interest in at all.  Funny dog.

    Anyway, I asked Emily how to download music to my phone and she looked at me and said she had already explained that to me.  Also, she gave me a CD player that I could connect to the computer, download a CD, then transfer it to my phone.  

    I did not remember any of that.  I went into a panic because I have never seen the device she described.  So I looked in my desk drawers....there it was.  And in my wire paper holder is a list of directions she told me that I wrote down.  How could I forget something like that?

    Jiminy Cricket.

    But I digress.

Found some pictures in the closet.  Thought I would share them with you.

Renee....I still have mine!

Vera Carp  and Aunt Pearl.  Two of the sweetest ladies in Tuna.

I believe this is from the mid 80s.  I had gone to Alaska with a friend.  Was gone 5 weeks and this is what my beard looked like.  I think I am pretty damn good looking!

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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