Monday, April 12, 2021

day....son of a..&@@###!.........401

 I broke down and bought a new can opener last week

    I have been struggling to open Corki's green beans with the 2 can openers I had.  They would work for part of the can, not the rest.  It took forever to open a can.

    So I bought a $12.97 can opener, tagged "THE LAST CAN OPENER YOU WILL EVER NEED!"  And I tossed the old ones.

    How does my new buy work?

    You be the judge.

    The last can opener I will ever need is worth Shinola, to use a polite term.  In fact, I think it was made for left handers!  I opened one can two nights ago and it was fine.


    As you can tell by the variety of tools, it did not go well.  I ended up using the screwdriver and hammer, punching out part of the lid, then taking the pliers and pulling like hell to get the lid open far enough to get the beans out.

    I probably, check that, I definitely said some bad word,s rhyming with hit, swell, ram and luck.  I am including lucking in that category.

    I was pissed.   My supper ended up cold,  my BP at 450, my patience stripped as much as a pole dancer at the Dirty 30.

    Every time I buy a product from a certain Asian country, it turns out to be a piece of crap.  Yet I can't find made in USA products that perform the same task, so I must be looking or shopping in the wrong place.

    Otherwise, it ruined a pretty darn good day!  

    Burgers on the grill, sunshine, no bills in the mail...... a pretty good day.

    Except for the damn can opener.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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