Saturday, April 24, 2021

 I was a frozen evaluation victim today

    At least that is what I am calling it.  Long time ago I had a class at NIU, speech for business majors.  The instructor was a pretty out there lady and I was surprised when we started going to St. Paul's Church in DeKalb and she was a member.

    She was still pretty out there.  She had great energy, a zest for living, loved to share her experiences, hosted some great dinner parties and turned into a friend.  She even put me in a role in a church play, and had to teach me how to walk like a drunken sailor.  How she knew that remains a mystery.  I think I owe my love for acting to her.

    Anyway, one of the concepts in her speech class was frozen evaluations.  You see something and despite the passage of time, what you visualize does not exist anymore but in your mind it has not changed.  I am probably not making sense.

    Emily and John gave me some key locators.  I put the thingy on my car keys and download the app.  When I can't find my keys, I use the app to give off a signal, so I can find the keys.

    Here's where the frozen evaluation comes enters the picture.  I thought the items were in two plastic bags.  I thought I put them in my little basket on the counter.

    When I could not find them today (after about 4 months) , I looked in several drawers and shelves and on the computer desk for two small plastic bags.  I spent 40 minutes looking for them.  When I sat down at the computer a few minutes ago, I saw a box and realized, that was what I was looking for!  Not bags.  In my mind, I was  set on plastic bags and could not see anything else.

    Lesson learned.   Again.

    And we got a surprise delivered today.  Totally unexpected.  It was from some friends and I actually got tears in my eyes when I read their card.  It tastes great. 

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  

Peace and Love 

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