Sunday, April 11, 2021

day....king me!......400

 I have always wanted to be royalty of some sort

    A duke.  Like Ellington.

    Or a count.  Like Basie or Chocolate.

    But the best would be king, or even a consort.

    As you know, Prince Phillip recently died.  He was 99, so his death can not be what you would consider unexpected.  And while all deaths are sad, we need to remember the 99 years of happiness he brought to the world.

    I was reading about him and learned something about being a king.  His grandfather was from Denmark but in the 1860s he was adopted by Greece as the country's monarch!  And I don't mean butterfly!!

    So there is hope fror me.

    All I have to do is send resumes to countries like Monaco, Lichtenstein, Malta,  or other smaller nations and offer my services as king as long as they adopt me as their monarch.

    I always thought getting to be a king was hard.  In the early days, the kings were the leaders of the strongest armies, able to vanquish foes with lance and sword.  All they had to do was offer to be adopted!

    Think of the lives that would have saved.

    We don't have royalty in this country, despite what some politicians and billionaires think.  Well, we did have a king in Elvis, but he has left the building.  And the planet.

    But we don't have titles.  It's in the Constitution,   Article I, section 4, paragraph 5:  There shalt be no kings, dukes, or other titles of nobility  unless they be named Terry and are adopted by this country.

    Look it up.  

    The MEN who wrote the Consitution knew what they were doing.  Except for allowing slavery, ignoring the rights of women and native Americans, and not realizing that life would change from a world of single shot muzzle loaders fired by  white men who believed it was ok for rich planters  to own other people, and a few thousand other changes that make up our world we live in now, they did ok.  And if you understood that sentence, you did better than me and I wrote it.

    So, if you don't hear from me again, I will have officially been adopted by another country and installed as their king. 

    Until tomorrow.

    Stay stafe.  Stay happy.  

Peace and Love

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