Friday, April 23, 2021

 I can't believe this ......

    I was eating frozen custard tonight and I broke a tooth!

    Seriously!!  I felt a hard piece in the custard and spit it out.  It looked like a part of a tooth.  I ran my toungue around my mouth and sure enough, I have a hole in a tooth on my right side!


    I could see that happening eating potato chips, or hard cookies, or even one of the burgers I famously over grill....but custard?

    It actually bummed me out of my Pretty Great Day vibe.   

    I mowed, had a coffee, and Sheri K. came over for pizza, wine and conversation.  Then John and Emily brought dog Becky and we had more wine and more conversation and custard and damn, I broke a tooth!

    Going to the dentist with a broken tooth  is as bad as a colonoscopy in my book, with the exception being the suppository.  I don't have any pain, but that could be the wine.  

    Life is funny.  I heard Pat Hughes talking during the Cub game today.  He said a basketball coach used to say, " That's life.  Some days you are the dog, other days you are the tree."

    I think I was both today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Eat soft foods if you dare.

Peace and Love

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