Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Day......I'm early .....417

Yes, I am writing early today 

    I honestly don't know if I can stay awake today.  Plus. storms maybe, which always means the possibility of internet loss.

    I started cleaning my teak furniture today.  Holy crap!

    The directions say I should use a mild detergent to remove dirt but a bleach solution to remove mildew.  I have a lot of mildew on the furniture.  I don't know why, maybe I did not oil it properly.

    So I mixed one quarter cup bleach to one gallon water, put on my rubber gloves, and started on the first chair.

    45 minutes later, I was done.  It looks better, but it still needs some "detail" work in the corners.

    I mixed up a new solution and got to work on chair two.  It took about the same time.

    I had figured that starting at 2 I would be done by 5.  Here it was 3:30 and I had only done 2 chairs!  So I moved on to the table top.

    I mixed up a new solution, one half cup bleach and a gallon of water, and got to work.

    My table is round.  There are about 12 slats in each quarter, some long, some short.

I scrubbed each slat up and down.  Up and down.  Up and down.  I started counting.  40 times up and down.

    My right arm hasn't done a repetive motion like that since high school. 

    Now it feels like it is going to fall off.  I have taken two of something, which hopefully will help.

    The directions for cleaning said I could also "carefully use" a pressure washer to clean it, but the words carefully use, pressure washer  and Terry have never been successfully linked.

    But I wonder if I use a sprayer to apply the bleach solution, let it sit for a minute,  and then pressure wash the remaining two chairs....will that be more efficient?

    Once I get the furniture clean, I have to lightly sand it and then apply the oil.

    I know!  It seems like a lot of work to me, too.  But this is the furniture I had to have because I like the color, the look, and it reminds me of places in Europe that I have visited.

    I just hope I get it all finished by September.

    By the way, our  neighbor invited us over for Himalayan rabbit tonight.    

    I said that sounded like an interesting dish.  I asked how it got its name.

    He said. "Don't know...just saw him a layen on the road."

    We are not going.

    Stay happy.  Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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