Saturday, April 17, 2021


 We had a great Saturday night

    Long time friends Renee and Wendy came over and we had pizza, cake, and a lot of laughs.  It was almost like the olden days, you know, the ones before Covid when we Could visit with friends.

    Of course th discussion included who had shots and when, which I bet is a common conversation starter these days. But we talked and laughed about a lot of stuff, and it was a welcome, and overdue, get-together.

    It was a busy Saturday.

    We have had ants in the bathroom, so our exterminator friend Xav came and sprayed around the house.

    I took our electronics in for recycling.  I had a printer, still in the box, which was shipped to Emily's house when she lived in Sycamore.  That had to be 10 years ago, at least.  I never had need for the printer, so it just stayed in  the basement.  We moved it too.  Now it is gone.  So are the plug in the cigarette lighter chargers for our flip phones.  I think there were 5 or 6 of them.    

    My mower was returned, so tomorrow it will rain and I won't be able to mow.    And there is another word floating about that rhymes with mow that may prevent me from mowing a couple of days next week.

    I had a few hours to spare so I did some weeding and cursing of mustard grass, or mustard weed, or whatever it is.  The crap is taking over my yard!  I have never had it before, but this year it is everywhere and in patches, not just isolated plants.

    Maybe mowing will help the appearance.  But my grass just does not look good.  Is it the soil, or the seed, or the care?  Other lawns are thick and lush, mine is just thin and weedy looking.

    Oh well.....something else for me to ponder.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Look for a little normal in life.

Peace and Love

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