Thursday, April 22, 2021


I did one of my least favorite activities today 

    Grocery shopping.

    I hate doing it.  But I don't like ordering on line because it takes me so darn long and sometimes the place I order from does not have that item.

    Castille soap, for example.  this is a natural soap, by that I mean there are no chemical additives or deodorizers.  I have used it for years, but can only find it at Woodman's in Rockford.  Today I had to look 5 minutes for it!  There were lots of soaps, and I went through the shelves, scanning intently, but just did not see it.  As I was ready to give up and move on, it just popped into view.  

    I agonize over shopping.  Is the 40 bag package of garbage bags better than the 80 bag pack?  The 80 bag pack costs less than two 40 bag packs....but how many bags do I use a year?  3 some weeks, mostly a 40 pack will last about 4-5 months and whatever happened to the 52 bag box?  Do I want them in lemon, lemony citrus, unscented, or lavender vanilla?  What they hell, they are not room deodorizers they are garbage bags!

    I bought the 80 pack in lavender vanilla.

    Potato chips.  We buy the reduced fat Cape Cod chips, but they also have a ruffled chip which looked good and how about a bag of Mrs. Fishers?  So I bought 3 bags of chips.

    Puffs are the most frustrating.  They have a couple of grades, one is the blow your nose in the tissue only to have it rip through and get snot on your hands, or the blow once or twice and the tissue holds grade.  Today I could not tell which was which because they seem to have changed the labeling.  And one square is 99 cents, but 12 square packs are $10, so I am saving money by buying the 12 pack unless they are the crappy ones, which means I will use twice as many tissues!

    By the time I get to the dairy department I am tired, irritable, thirsty, frustrated, and anxious to get out of the store.

    When I get home I have to unload the car and put it all away and then make supper and pick up doggy do for the garbage tomorrow and do two loads of laundry then clean up the kitchen and do my newspaper column and finally, this.

    So, physically and mentally I am worn out.

    Shopping involves too much mental math, logic, planning, and walking.

    From now on, we are just going hungry.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  

Peace and Love

PS.....I did not buy toilet paper!

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