Friday, April 30, 2021

day....uh oh......419

 It appears I am in some serious trouble

    According to the message left on my machine, someone will be contacting my human resources department for verification that the complaint names me and I need to speak to my legal representative.  If I don't respond, then my rights in this matter will be forfeited.

    So I may have to go into hiding. 

    My human resources manager will not verify that the complaint is against me, because I don't have a human resource manager.  Unless you count Jackie.

    And this must be legitimate, because I have recieved the message twice from different phone numbers!

    I do have the option of calling a number to speak directly to an agent, but I don't think that is a wise thing to do.

   What does scare me about the call was the lady sounded so serious and legitimate.  I can imagine some people calling the given number and ending up being scammed in some way.

    Of course, there is always the possibility some unnamed company is filing some sort of complaint about me ..... but I will take the chance and forfeit my rights in this matter.

    Damn scammers.....hope someone catches them and boils them in oil.  

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay vigilant.

Peace and Love

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