Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 We got a little rain today

    I was weeding in the yard, along the driveway, when I felt a few drops.  I decided since it was 2 to take a break and have lunch.  After I made Jackie's, I took out two rolls and ham when the skies opened up.

    It was raining hard, so I changed out of my work clothes into clean clothes and ate my two ham buns.  

    Then the sun came back out but I had no desire to change again and go weed. I honestly thought it was going to rain all afternoon.

    Monday night, or maybe Sunday, I lose track of time, we had a storm with a lot of lightning and thunder.

    Corki came up into bed and nestled between our feet.  Then there was a loud boom and she moved up to our chests.  The problem is she puts her butt in our faces and has terrible dog gas at times!

    The storm died down and she went back to her own bed, only to have the lightning and thunder come back and up she came snuggling down by our feet again.

    She's from Alabama and you think she'd be used to storms. She does not have a banjo on her knee either.  (Think about that seemingly random comment,)

    I always wonder about her past.  Was she caught in a hurricane and had to be given up by elderly owners who lost their home?  Was she given away be someone who suddenly decided they didn't like her?  Did she have elderly owners who died, and no one wanted her?  Did she ever rescue a little girl from being lost in the woods or tell the neighbors that Timmy was in the well again?

    No one knows.  

    What we do know is we love her to pieces and spoil her like crazy.  She is indeed queen in our home.

    Stay healthy.   Stay happy.   Pet a dog.

Peace and Love 

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