Sunday, April 25, 2021

day....falling apart....414

I am experiencing mechanical trouble 

    I broke a tooth eating frozen custard Friday.

    Tonight I broke a hearing aid.  The bell part became disconnected after I stuck it in my ear.  I thought I might have to ask Jackie to use the tweezers to pull out the bell, but it came out rather easily.

    At least my glasses are not broken.  But it is still early.    

    I made a rotisserie chicken for supper.  Along with broasted potatoes and carrots, it came together pretty well.  We did not get sick, which is always a good sign after I cook.

    Last year when I harvested  our garden I talked about all the carrots and beans we put up.  Someone asked if I really was going to eat all those carrots.

    I think there were six or seven gallon freezer bags and we are on the last one.  No peas, no green beans, a bag of corn and some Italian beans are all that remain.  Now I wish I had written down how many of what we froze..  In fact, I may have...but I will need to check blogs from last year to find out.

    Hopefully this week I will get the garden planted, clean out the closet in Julia's room for the next project, mow the yard, trim the grass, get my hearing aid fixed and get my tooth repaired, I say hopefully.  I will also wrap up the hundreds of photos still on the dining room table.  

    Maybe I will even work on the patio furniture so I can take that out.  It needs to be cleaned and recoated with teak oil to bring out the natural color I love about the furniture.

    Sounds to me like I will have a busy week.  Time will tell.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay happy.

Peace and Love

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