Thursday, April 8, 2021


I was in meetings for almost 5 hours  today 

    I am retired!  WTH??  This is my take it easy part of life because I am old and slowing down, mentally and physically.  Right?

Instead I serve on committees of two agencies that  award grants to various projects in the community.  Today was the first of two meetings for one group, and the other group met Tuesday.

    Plus I had a museum board meeting tonight.

    Thankfully, the meetings today were Zoomers.  That alone saved me time, which I needed for cooking supper.  I still have dishes to do and it is almost 9 p.m.  Also, one load of laundry to run.  And my column to finish.

    Thursday and Friday afternoons are my "relief" time, but that is also when I schedule things like doctor appointments or shopping excursions so Jackie doesn't have to sit home for a coouple of hours by herself.

    Tomorrow I take Corki in for a cut and curl.  Don't tell her though, she does not like getting groomed.  After I drop her off at the groomer, I am going to go get a haircut and a beverage at Cypress House.  Actually, I am getting mhy hair cut at the barber shop and then go to Cypress House.  Just to be clear.

    On the plus side, not that any of these are negatives, I was asked to be on another board and I said no.  I just can't take on anymore than I have on this ever more fragile plate.

    And trust me, I could never do all this if I was working.

    On the second plus side, the two committees usually only meet in April and May, so most of my work will be done in a week.

    But these past three weeks have been difficult with applications to read and evaluate and then meet to talk about.  Altogether I think it was about 50 applications..... that's a lot of reading, even for an old guy.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Donate to a charity.

Peace and Love

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