Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 Another day down the drain

    Honestly, I don't know where it went.  

    Yes, I did take a nap.  When I sat in my chair to read, it was 3-0 and the Cubs only had 2 hits.  When I woke up the Cubs still only had 2 hits, but it was 985 to 0.  

    I did a load of laundry, but it sat in the drier until just a few minutes ago.

    I had a meeting in the afternoon, but by then the day was pretty much over.

    I have no idea how time can pass so quickly here but so slowly in a meeting.

    Hopefully I can mow some time this week.  A couple of my neighbors have mowed twice, but my mower is still in the shop from winter storage.  I can see a bumper crop of highly invasive mustard grass, and my yard seems to be the only one that has it.  Go figure.

    The cuckoo is driving me cuckoo too.  It runs slow, so I move the weight around to speed it up.  Then  it moves too fast.  I move it again.  I am moving it distances that need to be measured by a neutron microscope, but it still is not keeping good time.  

    There  is a meteor shower for us the next few nights, so it is cloudy.  Again.  Every time there is a sky event, it is cloudy.

    And cold.  I am sitting in long pants, two shirts, and my freaking bathrobe because I am freezing.  

    I am in a winey mood.  And yes, that misspelling was intentional.


    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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