Monday, April 19, 2021

 We had some surprise visitors today

    Our niece Cindy came for a visit, and one of her daughters came also.

    We have not seen them since , well, a long time.  Not only did they come for a visit, they brought lunch, which is always a treat for me.

    They also brought their dog, Scout, which is a long haired German Shepherd, I think.

    All I know is Corki did not like her visitor.  She barked, growled, was highly annoying.

    When Emily and John brought over their dog Becky, Corki was fine.  But Becky was not as big as Scout, so maybe Corki felt she needed to establish dominance.  It was a noisy day.

    After a couple of hours Corki finally got quiet, but you could tell she was not at ease with her company.

    We talked and laughed and went through pictures.  I think Cindy knows more about my family than I do. 

    I also covered my peas with a blanket tonight.  The little things are about an inch high and I hope the coming snow/rain/sleet/freeze/whatever the hell is forecast will not negatively impact them.

    I even raked my newest prairie garden section, but damn, it was chilly out there!  The section was tilled Friday.  Last year I waited a couple of weeks to rake it level and it was harder than hell because the ground had settled.  I learned my lesson.

    I also sat down and made a list of plants for the new garden and the landscape guy called to confirm I wanted the big rock in his rock pile.  It is starting to come together.

    Now I just have to find those missing planters.  

    I heard there was a world wide shortage of garden gnomes because the ship stuck in the Suez Canal was loaded with gnomes.  Ever since I heard that, I seem to have a yen to watch the movie Amelié and buy my own garden gnome.

    The power of suggestion always works well on me.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Stay warm.

Peace and Love

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