Saturday, April 10, 2021


 This was a loong day

And yes, the extra o is intentional to signify how long the day was.

It rained, as most of you know, almost all day.

It was cloudy.

It was chilly.

The Cubs lost.

I ate a bunch of junk food and was not hungry for supper, so we had plain spaghetti which did nothing to satisfy my hunger.  I did see a Facebook funny of a refrigerator with a sign that said:  You are not hungry, you are bored.

That sums up myself today.

I did sit down to read a book about 4 and Jackie woke me at 5.  I swear, if I ever finish this book it will be a miracle.  Dan and Linda, you will get it back eventually.

That's about it.  Boring day.  Cold day.  End of day.

Stay safe.  Stay warm and dry.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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