Friday, April 16, 2021


 I have had some pretty good nights of solid sleep

    I have not had a really weird dream for a while.  Then there was last night.

    I have not lived in my parents' home for over 50 years.  What posessed me to have a dream about that house just baffles me.

    But there I was.  Sleeping in my old bedroom.  I smelled cigarette smoke.  That's the weird thing.  I swear, I smelled cigarette smoke!  It was so strong, it woke me up in real life!  I wandered around our today house, checking doors and smelling the air ...... but nothing.

    I went back to sleep.  I dreamt I was back in my old bedroom, again.  This time I heard a noise and looked out the back window.  My parents had a small back yard.  I would guess there was less than 10 feet between the back of the house and the apartment building behind us.

    In my dream, I looked out and saw a huge animal.

    I went downstairs and there was  female lion at the back window, clawing at the screen on the kitchen window.  The lion belonged to the people next door and was named Brutus.  I knew that, but I don't know how.  I closed the window and then double latched the back door, sliding the huge golden latches in place at the top and bottom.

    Then I was outside, it was daylight, and I was walking down the street.  Two cars stopped and the male drivers got out and started yelling at each other.  I told them to behave and calm down, but they started to fight.  As they started punching at each other, I again yelled to cut it out because their kids were watching. 

    But they didn't.  And at that point, Brutus came strolling out from between my folks' house and the house next door and let out a roar.

    The men took off in different directions and I don't remember any dreams after that.

    The smell of smoke was so strong, and the imagry of Brutus at the window, which his big maneless head, scratching at the screen, and the golen latches, still all stick with me.  

    So my question is:  What the hell is wrong with me??  I actually believe I woke up twice in this dream, only to go back to it once I was asleep.  I know the smell of smoke was before the fight, 

    Do any of you smell things in your dreams?  I am just kind of curious. 

    And do your dreams continue after you wake up and go  back to sleep?

    In the meantime, stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Say hi to Brutus if he shows up in your dreams.

Peace and Love

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