Monday, March 1, 2021 wide.....359

 I don't have good teeth

    Lots of fillings, a couple of crowns, one implant.....I did not take care of my teeth when I was younger.  To much candy and soda and not enough brushing always earned my a "talk" by the dentist.

    But the last few years have been pretty good.  Sure, a couple have chipped and a cuspid even broke off one, but I have all my teeth except one, and that spot is filled by an implant.

    Going to the dentist is not my favorite activity.  I hate the poking, the drilling, the probing......I really don't like my mouth being invaded.

    But I went today and everything is hunky dorey.  No problems, no issues.

    My hope is to make it through the rest of my life without any dental issues.  Now, that could be one day or 20 years, but I will have that hope every day I am still here.

    I have probably told this story....that is a problem with doing a blog every day.  I forget what I have told about my past.

    So maybe you have heard how I became the hero of the family at the tender age of four or five.

    My family and two of my cousins, all went to a "children's " dentist.  He had neat little plaques of nursery rhyme characters on the walls  and the parents loved him.  But the kids?  He was not gentle.  He hurt us.  Constantly.

    One day I had enough.  He was doing something to me and it hurt.  So I bit him.  Hard.  

    He finished and took me to the wating room and said he would never work on me again because I was a monster  for biting him.

    So we were forced to find a new dentist.  Instead of being in trouble, my two brothers and my two cousins thanked me for years because I spared them a lot of anguish.

    And the new dentist that we went to was kind, patient, and nice.  So nice, I was still going to him when I was married and he took care of Julia and I believe Emily too until he retired sometime in the early 1980s.  

    And I never had to bite him, not even once.

    Stay happy.  Stay safe.  Floss and brush.

Peace and Love

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