Thursday, March 4, 2021


 I think Covid 19 needs better PR

    As we approach (March 11) the one year anniversary of Covid being declared a pandemic by WHO, maybe it's time to consider getting a PR firm for the disease.

    After all, cigarette companies hired PR firms when it became known to them that cigarettes were killers.  Good PR enabled companies to shield (or hide) smokers from the truth,

    So we got cowboys astride horses in beautiful, rugged western scenery.  We got mint flavored smokes, not to encourage young people to take up the habit, but so older adults could have a smooth, refreshing smoking sensation.  We got cartoon camels on packages and brands that may have been born in bowling alleys.  How lucky is a strike, when it leads to lung cancer and heart attack.

    And who can forget the stunning, emaciated career gal lighting up her slim cigarette, showing her independence and individuality by smoking like everyone else.  They even named a tennis tournament after that brand.

    In Europe, I found an empty pack of smokes on the ground.  There was a skull and crossbones on it and the warning, in huge type:  Causes death!  It was also in French and Italian.  Since it was empty, my guess was the user just did not get the message.

    Not to make light of Covid, but maybe it already has a PR firm.  

    That firm has done a good job of convincing people Covid is no worse than the flu, will eventually go away, the vaccine has a chip that can track us, masks are a violation of our personal liberties, social distancing does not apply to weddings, birthday parties or large family reunions, telling people the truth about the disease might cause a panic, and other assorted BS.

    I'd say the Covid PR people are doing a much better job than the cigarette people.

    But I wonder if the families and friends of the 500,000 in the US who have died would agree.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Get the shot.

Peace and Love

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