Tuesday, March 9, 2021

day....oops II.........367

I did not realize oops was a transmissable condition 

    I discovered today it was.  First someone dropped a hair care product.  Then someone dropped another hair care product.  Then someone dropped a mirror.

    I won't mention names, but my hair needs no care.

    And the mirror did break.  Actually, that is a good sign because it means we have 7 more years.  Yes, they will be years of bad luck, but at this age I will take any extra days offered.

    Writing this blog is fairly easy.  Writing my weekly column for the local paper is fairly easy.

    I have been writing a book for about 7 years.  I have finished it, sort of.  Every time I read it I think of something to add, so in essence it may never get finished and I won't wint a Pulitzer Prize for Nonsensical Fiction.

    I truly admire people like Molly and Judy who have published multiple books. I wish I had their grit.

    The other problem is, I get bored.  So I do something else.  I have started 2 other books, and I forsee the same problem.....I will be 110 and still revising.

    Today I told Jackie I am taking 90 minutes a day for writing.  I will edit, revise, develop, read, research.....but I will do that for 90 minutes a day.    I know 90 minutes is not much, but it is a start.  Maybe that will focus me, and motivate me, to finish one of the books.

    Or not.  I just don't want to let it go, you know?  It's a dream, and I hate giving up on those.

    So....that's all I got!

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Stay focused.

Peace and Love

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