Saturday, March 6, 2021


 I watched Dr. Zhivago today

    No, I am not a peeping Tom spying on my neighbor!  Dr. Zhivago is a movie.

    For some reason, I always wanted to watch it in the middle of winter, sitting in a cold room, huddled under a blanket, icicles dripping from my nose, my fingers too numb to grip the controller.  Why?  Well, to put me in the mood of the film.

    If you have not seen this classic from 1965, raise your hand.

    Really?  That many!  Wow.

    I saw it in the theater many years ago.  The movie had everything you would want in a show:  romance, war, philisophical debates, moral debates, beautiful women, and the enduring stuggle of how to handle your life when fate leads you in a different direction.

    It is long....almost 4 hours.  Jackie did not want to watch it because she figured she would fall asleep in the middle.

    It was strange watching it after all these years. 

    For some reason, I could not grasp why all the Russians had English accents and why one character was around in 1917 and also in the 1940s and did not seem to age a bit.  But, enough about my critical opinions.

    One of my favorite scenes in the film was after Lara leaves, Yuri goes after her, using the sleigh and horse to catch up to the stopped train where he whisks Lara off and takes her away.

    I remember that scene vividly.

    Maybe too vividly, because it never happens in the film!  Never!!  How did that get in my mind?

    I tell you, the mind remembers what you want it to remember sometines, not what actually happened.

    Speaking of old movies, it is almost time for me to pop Casablanca into the DVD player.  If I had to rank movies by favorites, that would be number one.     I confess, I had a man crush on Bogart, to the point I had a large poster of him in my bedroom.  I also had one of Ingred Berman, who to me is still the most beautiful woman to grace the screen.  From Casablanca, the poster was her face when she was at the airport, her hat pulled down and a single tear running down her face.  Movie magic.

    Here's lookin' at you, kid.

    Stay halthy.  Stay happy. 

Peace and Love

PS.....second shot yesterday, a little headache and a sore arm, but nothing major for either of us.

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