Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Sometimes I just don't understand people

    Remember the man who blew himself up in his RV in Nashville a month or two ago?

    He played "Downtown" by Petula Clark amid broadcasted warnings that the RV was going to eplode.

    The Tribune had an article about him today.  He bought into conspiracy theories, including one that alien lizards were living in tunnels under the Earth's surface and were coming out in human form to run the world.

    As funny as that sounds, it is indeed tragic that someone believed that.  And decided to take his own life instead of giving into the lizards.

    If I, or anyone you knows,  ever start talking like that get them mental health help immediately.

    I have no idea why that story is sticking in my head.  

    Had another great cup of tea today.  This is from the Advent tea calendar collection and it was a blend of lemon grass, mint, raspberry leaves, cardamon, licorice, mallow blossoms and rose petals.

    Which brings to mind another question about people.  How does someone decide to put all of those ingredients together, and in what proportion, to make a delicious beverage?

    The foibles of man mind that leads to self destruction and another mind that creates tea.

    I much prefer the tea creative mind.

    Stay healthy.   Stay sane.   Stay safe.

    Watch out for alien lizard people.

Peace and Love

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