Wednesday, March 10, 2021

 Sometimes I am perplexed by television

    My vexation this month is our cable bill,  which now is north of the $300 line...which I think is outrageous.

    I plan on calling and complaining and asking how it can be cut.  We have tv, telephone, internet and home security.  When we signed up for the home security they told me it was cheaper to keep the land line because a bundle of four is cheaper than a bundle of three. And they gave me a special rate, which has now expired.

    But $300 is a lot of moolah.

    I am one of those people who like to record shows to watch later.  I have about 20 recorded episodes of shows.....and I never watch them.  I thought Zoey's Incredible Playlist would be good to watch so I record that....but never watched it. Underground Chicago?  Been recorded for about a year.  

    These are shows Jackie probably would not like, which is why I recorded them.  I honestly thought this winter I would watch them, plus sort pictures, go through slides, lose 20 pounds. learn to play the piano, speak fluent French....but winter is over and I have not done any of that.

    I have been watching a couple of British shows:  Miranda and Mrs. Brown's Boys.

    Miranda is the basis for Kat on American TV.  To be honest, I watched one episode of Kat and vowed never to watch another.  But Miranda?  Brilliantly funny and well written.

    Julia said Mrs. Brown's Boys was sophomoric, but funny.  I laugh a lot during that show, so I don't know if it's my maturity level or something else.  By the way, if certain words that rhyme with duck and luck offend you, I don't suggest you watch.

    It is filmed live, and sometimes things go wrong and ..... they don't edit it out!  The cameras just keep rolling.  Sometimes Mrs. Brown will be waxing philosophically about something and in the middle of her speech a character will enter early.  Mrs. Brown will say something like, "Ain't ya supposed to be upstairs"? or "Wait for the cue for cryin sakes."

    She did a particularly poignant speech and the audience went "awww" and she looked at them and said, "It's a tv show and I'm a man in a skirt for f----in sake."

    I thought it was funny.  Even us sophomores need to laugh.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Hang on tight, it's windy out there.

Peace and Love

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