Monday, March 29, 2021 the worm.....387

 The early bird does get the worm

    We were up at 6 a.m. today!  I saw the sun rise.  I can't tell you the last time I saw the sun rise.  The sky was deep red, and I kept thinking of the old saying:  Red sky at night, sailors' delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning.  

    I believe that  had to do with the idea that the red morning sky indicated wind.  Well, based on today, I have to agree with the saying.  It has been windy as heck all day long.

    Anyway, we had a closing today.  

    Yes, a closing.  Jackie and I bought a lot near Oregon, IL.  It's wooded and just over an acre in size.

    It is not for us.  We bought it for Julia, who can not own property in the US without paying some sort of tax on it in Switzerland.  So, we bought it.  We own it.

    Todd Burghardt of Team Advantage Plus Realty handled our end of the bargaining.  Todd put in a lot of work on this and even brought us this delicious cake as a thank you for doing business with him!  It should have been the other way around!  The cake is great....shared it with Emily and John and Sheri, but we still have plenty left!

    My Christmas tree is on the move!  (I am using too many exclamation points tonight!)

    A couple of weeks ago it walked down to the retention pond and I had to go get it and bring it home.

    Today it walked from the compost bin, to the garden, back to the bin and is now headed back to the retention pond.  Something tells me it will meet a firey end sometime this week.  Hopefully.

    I just hope the wind dies down for tomorrow.  Honestly, I don't like the noise at night.  I have enough trouble sleeping without Maria making noise all night.

    And...yesterday I mention the pooh covers.  Those are officially a prank gift.  I went to the website and learned that.  Sorry.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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