Wednesday, March 24, 2021

day.......holy crow.....382

I have so many questions tonight 

    Some of them have to do with t.  Not tea, or tee, but t.

    You know what I am talking about.  Which word does not belong in this list:  snot, cot, pot, sot, depot,  slot, knot......... if you picked depot, you win.  If you picked sot, you drink too much.

    Why is that t silent?  They are all ot at the end!

    And we all have used the word but.  Or butt.  He has a big butt.  But he is from Mars.  

    What happens to the t in debut?  It freaking disappears!

    So question one, why does the t disappear?

    Question 2:  Why do the worms come on my porch?  There were hundreds of them following the rain last night.  I had planned to go out and scrape them carefully up and put them in my garden, but they were all shriveled and dried this morning.  How do they find the sidewalk?

    Question 3:  Why does Ollie's taste so darn good?  We had our first of the year today following a doctor visit for Jackie.  We even brought home some frozen custard for later.

    Question 4:  What is the noise that Jackie keeps hearing that I don't hear even when wearing my hearing aids?  It's a squeak.  From where??

    Question 5:  Why can't I find jeans that fit?  I wear 38-32 and they are too long, I walk on the bottoms.   I try 38-30 and they are too short.  I can't find 38-31.  I am particular about the brand and style......but I may have to (gasp) change.

    Qeuestion 6:  How can I find more hours in the day?  Finding it tough to get everything done lately.

    Question 7: Is it too late to consider a career as a rapper?

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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