Thursday, March 18, 2021

day.....maybe again......376

 I just finished a book......and am befuddled

    This book, Augustus Carp by himself, Being the Autobiography of a Very Good Man, was first published in 1924 in England.

    At times I found it confusing and funny.  (Ha Ha funny) Caonfusing, because this person was such a pious prig and totally unaware of the world around him, yet he thought his life interesting.  I found it funny because, well, it was funny.  It mocked so much of society then, and even now.

    And no, Augustus Carp was not a real person.  Well, not real as in he actually wrote the book, but real in a way that we all know someone like him.  

    Anyway, I borrowed  it on Hoopla, which is a free lending program to which our library subscribes.  If you want a lesson on writing satire, I suggest you read it.

    I may even read it again some day because I know I missed a lot of the humor.  

    One of the things I noticed was the language was much more flowery in 1924 than it is now.  And since he was British, some of the references just went by me.  

    I have started another book, a Bill Bryson one about traveling in Europe.  Coincidentally, since I like to write, I have begun a travel book.  But my mind works like this.  I start writing about a place and .......SQUIRREL..... I am writing about somthing different.  It is all over the place.

    I have decided my dark comedy about death is done.  I have read, revised, read, revised, read, revised....time to move on.  Now I have to figure out what to do with it.  Self publish?  Do an e book?  Submit to a publisher?  Put it away?  

    The only one I am familiar with is the last.  Time will tell.

    Stay warm.  Stay healthy.  Read a new book.

Peace and Love

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