Friday, March 5, 2021


 Cars can be expensive little necessities

    I took my Honda in for an oil change and tire rotation this week.

    I have a gauge (or is it guage? OMG...I am losing my ability to spell!)  that tells me the life of the oil.  I don't change every 5,000 miles like I used to, because the sensors measure how good the oil is and whether I should change or not.

    Well, it was at 50% life.  I usually change at 15%.  In other words, I had plenty of life yet on the oil and did not really need to change it.  But my gut said it has been over a year and a half since I had it changed!  I just have not been driving as much.

    For instance, I went to the zoo twice a month, sometimes 3 times, depending on the number of Fridays or special events.  In 52 weeks, I would have gone about 26 or 27 times, maybe even 30, At 160 miles round trip, that is almost 5,000 miles that I did not put on the car.

    Plus I have not driven to ball games, or anyplace other than Rockford, DeKalb and locally.

    So I figured to be safe, I'll get a change.

    I got out of the car and the tech said, "There are some other items that need attention."

    He then rattled off changing transmission oil, changeing brake fluid, flush and change coolant, a carburetor carbon cleaning and the $$$ signs flashed through my mind.

    I had just read somewhere that it was recommended to change the transmission fluid at a certain point.  I could not remember the point or where I read it, so I said to go ahead.

    But I also wanted new floor mats for the front.....$$$$$ because the car is 7 years old and those mats are no longer made.

    If I had done everything, it would have been over $1,000!!

    I did go home and look through the owner's manual for guidance on when to change all that stuff....none was given.  Just to use the car monitoring system to determine when to do it.

    That is my project for tomorrow....maybe.

    Jackie and I did get our second dose of Moderna today and as of 9 p.m. we are both feeling fine, although I did not eat my entire supper.  That is not normal, believe me!

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a day of answers....and nothing else.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Get a shot.

Peace and Love

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