Saturday, March 27, 2021


Today is Jackie's birthday 

    This is the second year she has celebrated during a pandemic.  As we all have.  It is not fun.

    We had pizza last night and tonight we are having Flight Deck.  We have kept the "crowd" down to 5 last night and 4 tonight.  

    Hopefully next year we will just have these past 14 months as a bad memory.  Too much time has been lost, too many friends missed, too many events gone.

    Such is life.

    I went into the yard to pull weeds today.  Figured I would be out there an hour or less, but it was over 90 minutes.  It felt good.  Last year we paid for a clean up because I just wasn't up to doing it, but like I said, it felt good.

    Aside from that ...... just some pictures to share.

Anyone else see a man smoking a cigar?

There's a fungus among us

This just seemed so much faster and easier than cutting the grasses back.

    WTH!!!!  I must be sick!  What is up with my tongue?  Oh jelly beans.  I remember.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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