Sunday, March 7, 2021

day......sad anniversary....365

 One year ago today I first mentioned Covid in this blog

    Technically, it would be tomorrow for one year because 2020 had a Leap Year.  But I don't always believe in facts, so I am celebrating 365 days today.

    Now, you may have noticed I do have a problem with numbers.  I did day 1 on March somehow, I have lost a few days.  But it was on March 7 I first mentioned the virus.

    We were not calling it Covid was still a coronovirus, and I bet I spelled that wrong.  We did not know a lot about it, other than it was going to disappear tomorrow and we should not worry about it.

    Masks?  I don't think they were being pushed at the time, although social distancing and handwashing was.  I remember bringing home groceries and wiping all of them down with sanitary wipes...even the fruit.

    Toilet paper was flying off the shelves, as were paper towels and disinfectant sprays.

    Without a lot of help from the people who were supposed to be our protectors, we have managed to survive a full year of this.  No one is happy, no one is comfortable, and I bet no one truly feels safe.

    But we have made it this far.....and we will make it another year if we have to.

    Jackie and I have had our second dose of Moderna.  She was fine, but last night I felt queasy, very tired, was sweating and had chills.  I went to bed at 11 and listened as the cuckoo squawked every 30 minutes until 3.  After that, I don't remember much until 7:30, so it's possible I had a little over 4 hours of sleep. caffeine in the afternoon, going to bed early, and hoping to sleep.  

    I will do my nightly talk with the Big Guy and I'll say a prayer for the 500,000 Americans whose deaths are attributed to Covid.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay smart.

Peace and Love

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