Saturday, March 13, 2021


 We had a "normal" night !

    Friends came over bearing pizza and brownies, and for a few hours we acted pretty normal.  I believe all of us have had our shots, but we did maintain social distancing. It was a great evening.

    So thanks Kevin, Jen, Sandy and Samantha, who provided much of the entertainment for the night.  Where do kids get the energy and how can I tap into that?

    I spent some time raking in the front yard today.  I have contacted the high school for some Interact students to rake the front yard in early May, but I have some grass seed to spread so I raked a part of the yard today.

    Dogs and grass do not mix.  Corki has left several "dead" spots in the yard.  I bought a seed mixture that is designed for areas where dogs do their duty.  I figured get it down now so when the snow hits this week, it will be in place and ready to sprout.  I read somewhere that it was good to spread seed before a snow...we'll see.

    I was surprised how tired I got after raking about a 5 foot by 10 foot area.  My arms were sore and I was physically exhausted.  I guess I am not that youngster I imagine I am.

    Here's another strange thing.

    Caffiene keeps you awake, right?

    Thursday at 3 had a Starbucks....slept well.

    Friday at 3 had a vanilla latte from Cypress House.  Slept like a log.

    I don't get it.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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