Saturday, March 20, 2021


 I think I was tired today

    I had some reports to read today for groups of which I am a member.  Short reports. but I have to get them done and I tend to put things off as much as possible.

    I told Jackie today that I was only working on the reports.  Nothing else.  Well, once I had breakfast and read the paper anyway.

    I sat down at 1 to read reports.  I worked for an hour, but was tired and decided to take a break from that reading and read  a book for a few minutes.

    I woke up at 5.  I napped for 3 hours!

    Other people are out hiking, walking, exploring the day and enjoying the sunshine.  I slept in a chair for three hours.

    I actually felt pretty good when I woke up, but I am still tired.

    I always seem to learn something when I read the Trib.  For example, there was a picture in the homes section that looked exactly like a picture I took of my front yard!  Lots of trails through the grass that appeared after the snow melted.

    I thought they were ground squirrels, but I was wrong.


    Not Vols, that is Tennessee.  Voles.

    According to the article, voles don't hibernate during the winter.  They tunnel under ths snow and eat the grass, creating trails trough the yard.

    Trapping them was suggested, which I suppose I can do once the weather warms up.  Until then, they will just feast on the grass.  At least they won't have to create tunnels to do it.

    Sleep tight.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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