Friday, March 19, 2021


I had a pretty busy day today 

    Walking at the rec center, shopping, writing, picking up dog pooh.......and catching a run a way.

    Seriously.  I caught a run a way near my back yard.

    After Christmas, actually Epiphany, we took down our Christmas tree and I dragged it out to the back yard.  There it stayed until the 50 mph winds over the past 2 days.

    First it moved to the ditch between our house and the neighbor's.  Then it moved down the ditch.  Finally it ended up in the retention pond.

    Since the winds have died down, I figured it was safe to recover it.

    Unfortunately, the pond was not completely dry.   There was a rather large puddle and the tree was in the middle of it.

    I carefully stepped toward it, only to have the water seep over my chuka boot and soak my sock.  Then my foot got stuck in the mud, and since I don't really tie my shoes, my foot came out of the shoe.

    There I was.  Balanced on one foot while trying to put my soaking wet sock into the soaking wet shoe.

    Eventually I was able to do that and grab the tree, dragging it back up to my yard, where it is now laying in peace.  I changed into dry socks, and went out into the world a new man.   Not really.

    But tonight and great pizza with Sheri, along with a wonderful bottle of wine, and I am in pretty good spiritss.  (Or are the spirits in me?)  Anyway, this was a pretty darn good day.

    Hope yours was too.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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