Thursday, March 25, 2021

day.....oh oh.......383

 I have a guilty conscience tonight

    I got something I don't think I deserved.

    Let me explain.

    Last Christmas, Dec. 18 to be exact, we placed a take out order with a chain restaurant in Sycamore.

    When we got home, everybody but John got their order.  His was not in the bag.  I called the place and explained what happened.  I talked to Reuben, the shift manager, and he said next time I come in tell them what I was short and add Ruben said it was ok and they would give it to me.   (Coincidentally, the next time we ordered, from a different place, I got home and found John's order was wrong again!  WTH.)

    I put it off, and put it off, and put it off.  Until today.

    I went back today because Jackie wanted ribs recently and could not get them.  So I figured for a birthday present, I would get her a rib dinner.

    Before you complain, she has plenty of clothes, does not wear a lot of jewelry, has minimal needs at this point but she can always eat.  So ribs, something she wanted, sounded like a great gift.

    Anyway...I went back to the restaurant and explained the situation to the Pretty Young Thing taking orders.  I said if they could not do anything I was ok with that because I had waited so long.  She radioed in the question, then had to go talk to the shift manager.  I stressed, the ribs order was separate from the missing salad.  She said she understood

    I get up to the window to pay and the PYT said they misunderstood what she said and they are not charging me for anything.  

    So I got a full slab rib dinner and a chef's salad for free.  And I feel guilty about it.

    I told her that was not right, I should not get the ribs for free.  She said I "seemed like a nice man and had waited long enough. So enjoy."

    Then I was told to pull off to the side.  I sat there, thinking police were going to show up and arrest me for running some sort of scam.  Or they changed their mind and were not going to give me the ribs. But eventually a guy cam out with two huge bags.

    But I feel guilty.  Should I go back and explain again?  Do I just go in, order some ribs, pay for them and leave?  Then what would they do with the order?

    Do I just go in and say I am paying for a rib dinner but I don't want it?

    Or, do I just assume that is the company policy for an order that gets messed up?

    Trust me...I will debate this for the next month or two because I won't be able to let it go....which was one of my New Year's Resolutions.  Let it go.  We;ll see.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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