Monday, March 15, 2021


 Today's snow was a little interesting

    It was blowing horizontally across the yard!  My bird feeder flap flew open a couple of times, letting snow into the seed.  I closed it the first time, but not the second.

    I went out with Corki about 8:30 and damn near broke my neck on the ice that had formed on the porch.  Yes, I know it will be gone in a day or two, but right now it is a hazard.

    Had an e-mail from Kathy in Colorado and she had 18 I guess the 2 or 3 we had was not so bad.

    I have not gone anywhere for two days.  Have not left the house, except to fill the bird feeders and get the mail.  For some reason, the low 30s today felt like below zero to me.  Just freaking cold out there.

    I guess I am socially distancing....or being antisocial, not sure.  I looked at the snow and decided not to walk today, which is a walking day for me.  I am glad because it just looked terrible out there.

    I have family in Florida. (You know who you are!)  I always ask about gators, because those things give me nightmares.

    Today I read about another nightmare found in the Sunshine State.  

    Ever hear of an arapaima?

    It is a fish in South America but someone found a dead one in Florida waters.

    The arapaima is a voracious eater.  It will eat game fish and anything else it can catch.

    Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

    The arapaima grows to 10 feet long, can weigh several hundred pounds, and has the ability to leap out of the water and catch birds, lizards and small mammals!  It also has scales that are like armor.

    I was ok until the leaps out of the water part.  

    Hopefully the one they found is an isolated case, because fish like that can change an entire ecosystem.

    Plus they can scare the bejeebers out of you.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Avoid the water.

Peace and Love

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