Wednesday, March 3, 2021

day.......16 tons......361

 This was a beautiful day today

    Temperatures were in the 40s, which is great.

    Snow is melting...I can see the top of my lilac tree, which a few days ago was hidden by the snow mountain in my driveway.  By the way, I have a couple of huge scratches on my Honda rear bumper area.  I wonder if the other day when I backed into the snow mountain I may have done that, or if someone with a cart in a grocery lot did it.  It frustrates me, cause the car looks pretty good outside of that.

     I took advantage of the nice weather to do a yard and garage pick up.

    I crushed cans in the garage and bagged up the plethora of plastic bags that have accumlated in the past year.  What is the policy on reusable bags?  At one point they were not allowed, but I think I can use them anywhere I bag my own grocereies.  I think.

    I had a lot of aluminum cans.  I have not crushed them since pre surgery in November.  Remember a picture I posted of 12 cases of pop?  That represented 144 cans and I bet I crushed 136 today.  My foot is sore.

    But the big pick up was the yard.

    How can a little dog shit so much?  Seriously, I had to double bag the crap.  And I only did part of the front yard!  She hardly went out in the back yard, so that was an easy clean up.  My back hurt so much from stooping over I had to quit for the day.

    Corki.  I think she has mental problems.  She follows me around and sits fairly close to me whenever I sit.  She will sit by Jackie when I am out, but if I am in the house....Jackie might as well be gone.

    Then I was on the phone today on a fairly important call and she barfed.  Corki, not Jackie.  Why does she throw up on the rug and not on the wood floor?  Just another shade added to the den rug.

    Oh well.....

    Hope you had a chance to enjoy the nice day.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace an Love

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